Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cheet Sheet

The Best Keto Friendly Tortillas!!

So I was at Walmart, and was having a craving for something that was super loaded with carbs. Like some bread, or cheese tortillas. I looked through the entire bread isle, and while i found some really low carb bread and things that were still too high in carbs for a keto diet. I accidentally stumbled across Mission Carb Balance Tortillas . It has a net carb count of 6g carbs. which is the lowest pre-made and packaged tortillas or bread i can find. So while this is still fairly high, i have found that i can get away with one a day. and it makes it really nice to have a turkey club wrap, or a cheese quesadilla again, while staying conpletly low carb. Also the Fajahita tortillas are only 3 carbs, but they didn't have them at Walmart. They are in the baby blue trim packaging. Enjoy!!